"It is what it is." Conformity or rebellion.

I had a friend who used to say this expression all the time. I remember telling him that it made me nervous; "If you don't like it, do something, don't you?", I would reproach him.

This phrase, "it is what it is," is said only when something is not quite right. One cannot expect more than what one observes. It seems that the issue in question is irremediable, or it is tradition or inertia and must be accepted; a salary, a political situation, a problem at work, a relationship, an injustice.

It is what it is and the only thing left to do is to conform. Because being a rebel is frowned upon.

But to be rebellious is only to question whether "what is there" can be improved and to take action by breaking the established rules.

Ruth Messinger, American politician and candidate for mayor of New York, stated that "it is not the rebels who create problems, but the problems that create the rebels".

Francesca Gino, a professor at Harvard Business School, has spent more than a decade studying rebels in organizations around the world.

He realized that rebels are those who practice "positive deviation", they do not challenge the established in order to destroy, but have to "break" in order to build.

At work, they are more difficult to manage, but they are good for the bottom line: their drive, curiosity and creativity lift the entire organization to a new level. They are guides to innovation and reinvention.

Rebelliousness is closely related to courage and also to honesty with oneself. There is a lot of authenticity in rebelliousness and therefore, letting some of this trait out reinforces one's identity.

They are not special people, there is a "rebel" in each one of us.

To listen to our inner rebel, I propose to "make a serenity pause". With the three tools that we all have as standard: the body, the breath and the mind, and ask ourselves in physical and mental calm, if "what is there" can be improved, and what first step we can take to begin to change it.

Call or write me if you want your teams to know how to express what can be improved in the organization, from serenity 🙂


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