The sleep muscle

The most popular New Year's resolution is to lose weight, the second is to do sports and the third is to lead a healthier life.

The tendency is tothink that aerobic training, such as running, swimming or spinning, is the most effective physical activity for weight loss and fitness.

The problem is that we usually do sports in the evening. With agitated breathing, we are going to increase the level of cortisol in the blood, with the terrible effect on the conciliation of sleep.

  • Without sleep the circadian rhythms of rest and appetite are unbalanced and we will eat more sweets and fats. In a few days we will give up, we will abandon ourselves. A pity.

It is strength training that will lead us to meet our goal with the best prognosis. It is also called resistance training.

  • Strength exercises are those in which weights, rubber bands or your own weight are used to create resistance to a movement. With each contraction we increase muscle strength.

Interestingly, the study by @AngeliqueBrellentine, who researches epidemiology linked to sport, shows that strength training promotes sleep much more than any other sport discipline.

He found that the endurance group increased sleep duration by 40 minutes. It also decreased the time between going to bed and falling asleep.

  • It appears that endurance promotes the release of growth hormone and testosterone, both of which are associated with better sleep.
  • In addition, micro-tears of muscle fibers are produced which induce the brain to sleep in order to replenish and repair the damaged tissue.
  • Breathing during strength training accompanies movement. If we inhale when making the effort and exhale when releasing, we will instantly notice that we develop more strength and become less fatigued.

Let's think that the musculature serves to keep the skeleton in place. And then to move, especially to walk. Taking care of our muscular patrimony and maintaining or improving our strength is autonomy when we are older.

Muscles at rest continue to consume energy. The more muscle mass, the more we consume, the more we lose weight.

Looking strong and sleeping well is physically healthy and a very powerful feeling for our mental health.

To rest better after a physical exercise session, I suggest you "make a serenity break".

Start by placing the "Shoulders Away from the Ears" throughout the workout, you will maintain the optimal posture to perform any movement 😉.

Make a serenity pause". Use your body as the best ally of the mind 🙂

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With serenity.
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